Sunday, November 17, 2019

Book 45: Acceptance by Jeff VanderMeer

I read this book badly. I took too long between sections, and I also ended up having to wait for almost a year for it to come in at the library, and I think that the disjointed way I read it impacted how much I felt the revelations in this third book of the trilogy.

Having said all of that, I really liked this book. It was similar to the first two in that there were things you thought you sort of understood, and then you were given more information or just a different perspective of the same information, and it totally changed how you viewed it. Also, the lighthouse keeper is one of my favorite characters in the entire series, and he made me have a lot of feelings.

I feel like it might be worth it for me to go back and reread the entire trilogy basically in one go at some point, simply because I am certain aspects of the first and second books read completely differently when you have knowledge of where some parts of the plot are going. There are still many things the trilogy doesn't answer in the end, but I don't think that's a flaw of the books; it seems completely intentional and part of the point, really. So yes; my experience of the book was probably a B, but that's because my reading of it was a C.

Grade: A

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