Monday, January 1, 2024

2024 Master List


Well, somehow we've reached my ninth year of publishing this book blog! If that sounds like an improbably long time to you, it feels even more wild to me, since I persist in thinking of this blog as being my 'new' thing. However, it's also true that we've cycled back to another presidential election year, which was the entire impetus behind its creation in 2016 - a method of anxiety moderation. I can't say I actually know how much help or harm focusing on my reading list provided that year, or in 2020 for that matter, but I do know that I continue to value having a place to write about the things I read that's not part of a whole commerce system where my opinions on books will be added to a rating aggregate. I completely understand the value to authors (and potentially readers) of those ratings, but I like not having to consider those things when I give books fairly arbitrary grades.

Anyway, this is a list of books I currently own or have out from the library that I have never read before and that I want to attempt to read this year. It continues to be a pretty weird assortment of books I've owned for a decade plus, newish releases that I'm already behind on, and other titles I come across and decide need to be added to the pile, along with my book club books. As always, I would like to read all of them in 2024, but my secondary (and more realistic) goals are to read at least 52 books, and to start 2025 with a smaller list than I have right now. Of course, that would require me to not add new books to my reading pile, and we all know how well that's gone over the past 8 years. And the real goal is to read a bunch of books that I love and that I want to tell other people about. So here's hoping I can achieve that one if nothing else!

  1. When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain
  2. The Bullet that Missed
  3. Catered All the Way
  4. Bring Me Home
  5. The Christmas Veto
  6. White Cat, Black Dog
  7. Murder on Mistletoe Lane
  8. The Christmas Murder Game
  9. Hercule Poirot's Silent Night
  10. How to be Eaten
  11. Nimona
  12. Dark Rise
  13. The New Guy
  14. Time to Shine
  15. Flux
  16. The Uninhabitable Earth
  17. In a Holidaze
  18. The Christmas Orphans Club
  19. The Blue, Beautiful World
  20. We Could Be So Good
  21. The Familiar
  22. You Should Be So Lucky
  23. Fire and Blood
  24. The Mimicking of Known Successes
  25. The Butcher of the Forest
  26. The Maid
  27. The Mistletoe Mystery

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